Link Leader Conference - 11/06 @ Webster Thomas

This year's Leadership Conference will be held on 11/06/13 at Webster Thomas High School from 8:00am to 12:15pm. Space is limited to 20 students so please get your name to Mrs. Anson ASAP. An updated list of attendees will be kept below.

Why should YOU attend??????

This conference will:

-Help Link Leaders connect to each other and increase their leadership skills.
-Provide a great way for Link Crew Leaders to see that they are a part of something bigger than just a "freshman transition program", but that they are part of a larger community that is focused on developing leaders and improving school cultures.

Conference Details:

  • The day will begin in the gym at 8:00 AM and end at 12:15 PM
  • We will provide a snack at approximately 10:30 AM
  • Please have your Link Leaders wear their T-shirts
A Boomerang Project Speaker will guide your leaders through a series of mixers and activities that will allow them to connect with Link Leaders from other schools and realize they can provide a powerful and positive experience for your freshmen. Your Leaders will also hear a keynote that will inspire them to return to school with a greater concern for the students they are leading. There will also be a session for coordinators to gather ideas from other schools doing Link Crew.

Basic Conference Format
  • Welcome and Introductory Keynote with this year's theme
  • Playnote: Leaders work with leaders from other schools to start incorporating the theme of this year's conference
  • Break Time! (This often involves a semi-spontaneous dance party!)
  • Skill Building: We work interactively with your leaders to build the skills and awareness students need to be even better Link Leaders at your school. This section can even serve as a model workshop that the Link Leaders who attend can then run back at your school for other Link Leaders!
  • Swap Shop: We offer time and structure to have leaders sharing their best ideas with other leaders. Come prepared to share!
  • Closing Keynote: Our speakers will inspire your leaders to go back and make a HUGE difference at your school. Prepare to handle the motivation!


Sarah Ballard
Kendon Bates
Nathan Bellerose
Olivia Chamberlain
Alex deNormand
Emily Gallagher
Jane Garrity
Courtney Geist
Grant Hildman
Danny Hunt
Austin Kunick
Brandon Kunick
Liz Mazza
Patrick Morisey
Alli Oddi
Claudia Tawil
Ross Tawil
Nikki Warren

1 comment:

  1. We still are looking for a few more people to attend the Link Conference! Make sure you sign up with Mrs. Anson if you would like to attend :)
